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I regret to inform you that Doggy Do will NOT be accepting any new bookings due to personal health and time constraints.   

We will fulfil all paid bookings and all cleans that are promotional. Ie. winners of our current photo contest. 

When we start accepting bookings again, you will receive an email and it will be announced on our Facebook page. 

Please accept my sincerest apologies. 


Doggy Do Services is the premier choice for dog owners who want to keep their yards poop free.
As the
2023 Lethbridge Community Votes GOLD Winner, we pride ourselves on providing a reliable and efficient service. Our team is equipped to handle all your dog poop cleaning needs, leaving you with a beautiful yard to enjoy with your family, friends, & furballs.

Your dog poops, we scoop!

Please like our Facebook page to keep up on reviews, contests, and special events.

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